Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Insanely Idiotic and Idiotically Insane Quote of the Week #1

The world is filled with crazy people who say some pretty crazy things.  Here begins my brief catalog of statements from the vast expanse of the Internet (and elsewhere) that are absolutely insane, ridiculous, or just plain stupid.

"  im christian
     if we came from apes
     how come were not hairy and have a big mouth
     and did we end up looking like we do know
     and besides
     there isnt any serious proof of apes
     they showd a video saying an ape was wondering around in the forest
     that thing looked exactly like a costume that i had saw at a store
     know one ever cought an ape   "

Source: http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/88776/?page=5&

This one should be pretty self-explanatory.  I won't even bring myself to add an editorial comments.

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